Learning is an Adventure!

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Sharing Our Learning. (December 7 – 11)

Hello Families,

The Grade 1’s have been very busy this week in the classroom. Here is a look at some of the exciting things we are learning!

Busy at the Workshop

On Tuesday, we were busy making a secret holiday gift! We used a hammer and nails. Can you guess what it might be? We also worked very hard to make a beautiful card for a Senior at Seton Villa. They turned out amazing!



This week we are learning about different types of graphs, and using them to find out more about our classmates.

Holidays Around the World!

This year with COVID keeping us at home during the holidays, we are travelling around the world in our imaginations to learn more about different winter holidays. We made suitcases and we each have our own passports. We have read books about Christmas and Hanukkah, and have travelled to Canada and Israel. Next stop is Mexico!

Inside Day

Today with all the rain we had an inside day. The Grade 1’s used our Stem Bins to build and use their creativity.

Our Learning This Week! (November 30 – December 4)

Hello Families,

Here are some pictures of our learning this week:

Reindeer Art

On Wednesday, students followed all the steps needed to draw their reindeer. After, we used our oil pastels to outline and add some colours. On Thursday & Friday we used our Watercolour paint to add colour to the reindeer and the sky. They turned out fantastic!


This week we did more learning about Patterns. We translated patterns and also used beads to make Pattern Snakes or a bracelet.


On Wednesday, we talked about the favourite places in our community and discussed why we liked them so much. On Thursday, we worked together to create a big poster of places in our community. Seton Villa with all the Seniors on the balcony waving at us made it onto our Community poster 🙂

Jingle Bell Walk & Bingo

We enjoyed our Jingle Bell Walk to pass by Seton Villa to wave at the Seniors so much. The Seniors really enjoyed seeing all the students. We made sure to go all the way around to wave at everyone and wish them Happy Holidays! Next week we will be making cards to send to them. We made posters to bring with us to encourage people we saw to donate food to the Jingle Bell Food Drive. On Friday we played a whole class game of Bingo!


This Week in Division 16 (November 23 – 27)

Hello Families,

Here are some pictures of our Learning this week!

Read Alouds & Buddies

This week we read the Gruffalo again. This time students listened and put the events in the story in order. Some students also made their own Deep Dark Woods! The Grade 4’s in Ms. Sarrazin’s class will be our buddies this year. They have recorded themselves reading books for us to listen to each week. We look forward to listening to all of their stories and seeing them on the big screen! We also read lots of Aaron Blabey books. They always make us laugh 🙂

Reading Groups

The Grade 1’s learned how Reading Groups work this week. We used our checklists to make sure we completed all of our independent activities. I am so proud of how focused they were! Next week we will start Reading Groups with Ms. Sokugawa’s class.


Together as a class we brainstormed Services and Helpers in our Community. We wrote our ideas in our Community Books.


We created our own Pattern Posters to show our learning. We also practiced our number sense by playing math card games together.


Each Thursday our Morning Meeting Question is to share something that we are thankful for. This week Gilmore had Gratitude Slips placed around the school. The Grade 1’s could give a slip to someone and tell them why they were grateful for them. It was very nice to hear all the nice things they shared with each other, and students were so excited to receive one.





Community, Patterns & The Gruffalo (November 16 – 20)

Hello Families,

Here are some pictures of our learning this week. Ask your child to tell you more about what they learned!

Morning Work

This week we started a new morning activity. After students put away their belongings in the cloakroom, they go to their desks and practice printing their names. We are working on neat printing, and using a capital letter only for the first letter in their name. They can also practice printing their numbers using correct finger spacing.


Students learned about Patterns this week. Together, we made an anchor chart about Patterns that we can hang in the classroom. We learned about a Pattern Core and Letter Coding our Patterns.


We have started a new unit on Community. The Grade 1’s worked on their Community Books. We learned about the difference between Community, City, Province and Country. We also watched a video about Burnaby Heights and they read Community Books with their classmates.

The Gruffalo

One of my favourite read aloud books is The Gruffalo. Today we read the story and talked about Characters and Setting. We will continue to use the Gruffalo  to learn more about Stories next week.

Learning in Division 16 (November 9 – 13)

Hello Families,

Here are some photos of our learning this week.

Classroom Picture Calendar

Students were so excited to look at the October Pictures and brainstorm some words to describe them. Our September & October poster are hanging up in our classroom for us to look at.

Sight Words

This week during our Word Work time, we learned some different ways to practice our Sight words.

Sorting Rules

This week during Math, the Grade 1’s learned that there are different ways to Sort. As a class we looked at pictures of objects and discussed how we could sort them. We decided that we can sort by shape, colour, type, and size. Take a look at the pictures we used for our class discussion.

We also took different objects in our classroom and worked together to sort them in different ways.

Happy Diwali!

This year Diwali is on November 14th. Some students in our classroom celebrate Diwali, and we had fun learning more about it. We read a book together about Diwali on Epic, and students shared their connections they made with holidays their family celebrates. Some students who celebrate Diwali shared their knowledge. It was a great discussion!

We learned about Rangoli, which is a colourful design made on the floor near the entrance to a home to welcome guests during  Diwali. It is made with materials such as coloured rice, dry flour, coloured sand or flower petals. We watched a video of a family making a beautiful Rangoli outside their home together. We decorated our own Rangoli inspired pictures using our oil pastels.



This Week in Grade 1! (Nov. 2 – 6)

Here are some pictures of our learning this week!

This Weeks Letter Sounds

Greater Than, Less Than & Equal To


Poppy Field Art

Students used Paint & Oil Pastels to make Poppy Fields for Remembrance Day.

Peace Tree

We read The Peace Book by Todd Parr, and then brainstormed together what peace is to them. The students wrote their ideas on a dove and we hung it on our class tree.

Read Alouds

Happy Halloween From Div. 16! (October 26 – 30)

Hello Families,

This week was filled with lots of fun and spooky Halloween activities. Here are some pictures of the fun!

Letter Sound Review

These are the letters we reviewed this week.  Look  at  all  the creative words our class brainstormed!

Ordering Numbers


Halloween Directed Drawing & Halloween Arts & Crafts

The Grade 1’s were so excited to draw their pumpkins and cats. They did a fantastic job following the instructions and took their time with their colouring. Students also did some fun Halloween Arts and Crafts donated by Levi’s family for the class 🙂

S.T.E.M. Challenge!

Students worked hard to build a Ghost House and a Pumpkin Gate out of different materials. Here are some of their creations.

Have a fun and safe Halloween however you choose to celebrate this weekend!

Pumpkins, Leaves & Read Alouds (October 19 – 22)

Hello Grade 1 Families!

Here are pictures of some learning from this week in Division 16.

Hundreds Chart Math

Students used their Hundreds Chart this week to find the missing numbers in a fun Who Am I? Activity.

Leaf Colour Sorting

ABC Hunt

We went on a Letter Sound Hunt around the classroom to find our words that start with the letters D, L, T, R & I

Pumpkin Science

We investigated Pumpkins this week and got a little messy with our learning!

Lulu & the Brontosaurus!

This week we started our first Chapter Book read Aloud! The Grade 1’s practiced visualizing what was happening in the story, and created their own illustrations!

This Week in Grade 1! (October 13-16)

Here are some pictures from this week in the classroom!

Calendar Time

On the Day that Students do Mystery Bag Show & Tell, they are also in charge of leading our Calendar Time. They have done an amazing job showing their leadership and practicing their Communication skills. Ask your child how we do Calendar in Grade 1!

Letter Review

Here are the Letter Sounds we reviewed this week. The Grade 1’s are so creative brainstorming different words that begin with each letter sound.

Local Animals

Last week we learned about the different trees in our neighbourhood. This week we focused on different local animals that live around us. We found animals that live in our ocean, the forest, the park and in the pond!


Today we read Spookly, the Square Pumpkin, and then we made our own pumpkins that are all different shapes.


Turkeys, Leaves & Flashlight Friday! (October 5 – 9)

Hello Families!

Check out some of the fun activities we did this week in Division 16!


This week before the rain came, we went on a walk to collect leaves. We used our leaf sheet and the Picture This app to help us identify the different leaves we collected. We created posters to teach others about the trees in our neighbourhood, and made some leaf rubbings using autumn colours!

Letter Review & ABC Hunt

Thankful Turkey Books

Math Centres

Here are some of the Number Sense Math Centres students tried this week.

Flashlight Friday

Every Friday after lunch we turn off all the lights in the classroom and use flashlights to read our books! It is lots of fun 🙂

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Long Weekend!

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