Learning is an Adventure!

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Our Learning This Week! (May 17-21)

Financial Literacy

This week we continued our Financial Literacy Unit. We talked about the difference between a Want and a Need, and created posters to show our learning in a group. We also created store signs and items to sell in our shop. Next week we will take turns opening our stores and letting our classmates buy items. The Grade 1’s are very excited to do some shopping!


Story Workshop

On Tuesday, we used the Grade 6 & 7’s Diorama’s to help us create a new story. They picked what Diorama they would like to use, and started writing!


Here are some photos of the weaving Ms. Paulich has been working on during Indigenous Education.  I came back to the classroom early so the Grade 1’s could show me their creations they were very proud of.

More Fun!

Lots of students in this class love to create books during our Morning Work and Quiet Time. We are always running out of paper, and announcing new books that are arriving in our Read Aloud area. We made a special area to keep all our books organized! We also recorded our green bean plants growth in our Plant Journals. A popular Read Aloud this week was the Lorax. It is quite long, so we read it over three days. We loved all the Rhyming and Silly Words!

This Week in Division 16 (May 10 – 14)

Here are some Photos of our learning this week!

Planting Green Beans & Plant Journals

This week we painted our pots and planted our green beans. We also worked on our Plant Journal to learn how to label parts of a plant, and what they need to survive.


On Tuesday we talked about how to become better writers. On the board we have examples of how to add extra details to our writing and our pictures. After they wrote their journal, they wrote what number their Journal looked like. Next time we write Journals, we will focus on how to improve our writing even more.

Money Math

We did a money Scavenger Hunt on Friday. We found different coins around the room, and counted by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s to find the correct amount. The Grade 1’s worked together and had lots of fun.


More Literacy Activities

We have been reading Mercy Watson Chapter Books for our Read Aloud time. The kids have really enjoyed it, and we finished our second Mercy Watson book Friday afternoon. We also learned about Fiction and Non Fiction books, and did a sort using our Scholastic Book Orders.

This Week in Division 16 (May 3-7)

Here are some photos of our learning this week.


We continued learning more about money this week. We tried some new Math Centers, and played some money games.

Story Workshop

This week the Grade 1’s started a new story in Story Workshop.


This Week in Division 16 (April 27-30)

The Perfect Square Art

Last week we read the story The Perfect Square. We liked it so much we read it again this week, and on Wednesday we created art inspired by the book. Each student started with a square peice of paper and created their own creation with it. They were so creative!

Living & Nonliving Things

We took science outside this week and found living and nonliving things in the real world. Then, we each created a page for our Class Book.

L Blends

We are learning about L Blends during Phonics. We brainstormed L Blend words together and did a word sort. We will continue to learn about L Blends next week.


This week we created wallets to keep our learning money and poem in. We also learned a money poem to help us remember our coins.


Autism Awareness Art Gallery & More (April 19-23)

Autism Awareness Art Gallery

The Grade 1’s had so much fun creating art for our Art Gallery. On Wednesday afternoon we got to visit our transformed Gym.


Here is a Money Song we have been enjoying listening to in the classroom!

Planting Lettuce & Radishes

Our Classroom Tour! (Student – Led Conference)

1. Take your Family on a Tour of our Classroom!

Here are some pictures of our classroom. The Grade 1’s have been practicing their Classroom Tour this week and are excited to tell you all about the important areas in our room.










2. Calendar Time!

Show your families how you lead Calendar on your Special Day! (Click on the Calendar to make it bigger)

Our Learning this Week (Apr 12 – 16)

Here are some pictures of our learning this week!

Living & Non-Living Things

This week we started our Unit on Living & Non-Living Things. We watched a short video, and did a Think and Sort to show our understanding.

Moving the Potatoes Outside

Our potatoes have a new home outside! This week we will be planting lettuce and radishes to add to our Class Garden.

We are all Different Art

We read two books this week that discussed how we all learn and think differently. To show how different we all are, we drew pictures all starting with the same shape on the page. The Grade 1’s came up with so many creative ideas of what the shape could become. This is a whole school art project and each classes creations will be displayed in the Gym this week for us to see.


This Week in Division 16 (April 6 – 9)

Here are some pictures of our learning this week!

Story Writing

On Tuesday, we created stories with our loose parts. We took pictures of our creations, and in the afternoon started writing our stories. The Grade 1’s were so excited to get their ideas on paper!

Fact Families & Math Games

We continued to practice making Fact Families this week. We went on a scavenger hunt to find numbers around the room, and used dominoes and dice to create our own Fact Families.  We also played a Math Game called Ten Again.


This week our potatoes have grown even bigger and are now as tall as our pots. We added more dirt to cover the stems, and encourage more potatoes to grow. We also took turns watering them. Hopefully we will be able to bring them outside soon!

Autism Awareness & Acceptance Month

This month is Autism Awareness month. We are learning to celebrate and accept all of our differences. In the library we read Ian’s Walk, and Ms. Paulich read Just Ask to the Grade 1’s. We will continue to read more great books that help us to better understand and accept everyones differences that make us all unique!

Have a great weekend and see you next week!

Sunshine, Easter & Spring (March 29 – April 1)

Here are some photos of our week!


The Grade 1’s came back from Spring Break to find our Potatoes had sprouted! We were very excited. This week we hilled our potatoes by adding more soil to cover the stems. This encourages more potatoes to grow. They are currently growing inside next to the front doors until it is warm enough to bring them outside.

Reading in the Sun

While we worked on our potatoes, students enjoyed reading outside in the sunshine. We also read some good Read Alouds this week.

Journals & Math

This week we wrote about our Spring Break. We also reviewed our Subtraction Strategies, and learned about Fact Families.

Easter Egg Hunt

We had an Easter Egg Hunt on Thursday. The Grade 1’s found eggs out on the playground and worked as a team to find rhyming words inside.

Spring Art

Have a Wonderful Long Weekend!

This Week in Division 16 (March 8 – 12)

Here are some photos of our learning this week!

Neighbourhood Walk!

Our class and Division 15 went for a morning walk together. We looked for signs of Spring and found so many! We walked down to the Forest Trail and enjoyed some time playing at McGill Park. Lots of students said they wanted to show their families where they went over Spring Break!


This week the Grade 1’s were so excited to plant our Potatoes. We observed that our seed potatoes had sprouts on them. Each group planted their potatoes while the other groups decorated the signs that will go on the pots. We will see what they look like when we come back from Spring Break!


Phonics, Subtraction and Reflections

We took our learning outside for math this week to enjoy the sunshine. Students worked hard to show how they can subtract using a number line. We also wrote reflections to put in our Report Cards and continued to practice Vowel Teams during Phonics.

Story Workshop

On Tuesday, students chose if they would like to create a story on their own, with a partner, and if they would like to use a wordless book from the library.  We gathered together at the end so students who were ready could share their stories with the class.


Have a Wonderful Spring Break with your families 🙂

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