Learning is an Adventure!

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November in Grade 1!

Remembrance Day

The Grade 1’s made Poppy Fields using paint and oil pastels. We read The Peace Book by Todd Parr and decorated our class tree with white doves filled with what peace means to us.

Ways To Make 10

We are learning how to make 10 using cubes, ten frames and number bonds. We also played math games to build our number sense.


We brainstormed Services and Helpers in our Community Books.


We are learning about the Superhero vowels and their funny disguises during Phonics.

October Fun in Division 16!

Autumn Leaves!

On Tuesday we spent our day learning about Leaves. We went on a walk around our neighbourhood to collect all different types and colours of leaves. We picked our favourite leaf, and used an iPad app to learn about what tree it came from. And in the afternoon we read the book Leaf Man, and created our own Leaf Art inspired by the book.


Pumpkin Painting

On Thursday we painted our Pumpkins! We had lots of fun designing and painting pumpkins in the Activity Room with Ms. Garcia’s class. Our pumpkins were displayed in the Gym during the Halloween Parade for the school to see.

Story Workshop

On Wednesdays we go to the Library for Story Workshop. We create stories using loose parts, and orally share our stories with our classmates. We will be learning to write these stories on paper soon.

Learning In Our Classroom (September & October)

Here are photos of some of the learning that has been happening in our classroom over the last few weeks. We are getting used to the Grade 1 routines and becoming more independent!

Orange Shirt Day & National Day for Truth & Reconciliation


Thanksgiving & Being Grateful




Fun in Grade 1! (Sept 12 – 23)

Here are some photos of our learning in the first 2 weeks of Grade 1!

Math Games

We played Race to 100 and Roll and Build with our classmates.

Letter Review

Each day we review a different letter of the alphabet. We listen to a song, brainstorm words as a class, colour and draw words that begin with that letter, and practice our printing.



Read Alouds & Classroom Community

We read lots of stories to help us learn about each other and build a classroom community


Reading & Math Centers


More Fun in Division 16!



Fun in Grade 1 – Our Last Full Week of School (June 21-25)

3D Shapes Game & Flashlight Friday

Potato Harvest!

Recycled Material Creations


Our Learning This Week! (June 14 – 18)

Here are some photos of our week!

This Week in Division 16! (June 7 – 11)

Shape Review

This week we focused on reviewing our 2D shapes. We counted how many sides and vertices our shapes had, and made Drawings using only 2D Shapes.

Sunset Art

Using oil pastels, the Grade 1’s learned how to blend colours to make the ocean and a beautiful sunset. The next day we drew a Palm tree. We all decided it looked like going on vacation in Hawaii!


Natural & Human Made

We learned to differentiate between what is Natural vs. Human Made in our world. We did a Whole Class sort, and then read the book A River. We brainstormed different Natural & Human Made things we could see in the book.




Our Learning This Week! (May 31 – June 4)


This week we have been learning all about measurement, and had lots of fun using different items to measure with.

Every Child Matters

We read a story and made feathers to show our support for families impacted by Residential Schools.

All of the Primary classes feathers are displayed in the Hallway to help us remember. The story When We Were Alone is a beautiful book that does a great job explaining Residential schools to Grade 1’s. It was our second time reading it this year, and it always leads to great discussions.

Our Garden

Our potato plants are getting so big, and some of our radishes are ready to harvest. We are having a radish raffle, and if a students name is chosen they get to bring home a radish to try. There will be many more radishes to harvest next week!

Dot Art

On Wednesday we made Dot Art Creations!



This Week in Div. 16 (May 24 – 28)


This week we started learning about Measurement. We used cubes to measure on Friday, and learned how to Estimate first, then measure different items in our classroom.

Plant Journal

We watched some Mystery Science videos to learn more about plants, and filled out our Plant Journal.

Math Stores!

We opened our stores this week to wrap up our Financial Literacy Unit in Math. We used our classroom money to buy and sell items. The Grade 1’s were very proud of their stores!

Story Writing

We continued to work on our Stories from last week. Some students are writing, some drawing, and some are making Title Pages. We will put these stories in our classroom library for others to read.

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