Hello Families,

Here are some pictures of our learning this week. Ask your child to tell you more about what they learned!

Morning Work

This week we started a new morning activity. After students put away their belongings in the cloakroom, they go to their desks and practice printing their names. We are working on neat printing, and using a capital letter only for the first letter in their name. They can also practice printing their numbers using correct finger spacing.


Students learned about Patterns this week. Together, we made an anchor chart about Patterns that we can hang in the classroom. We learned about a Pattern Core and Letter Coding our Patterns.


We have started a new unit on Community. The Grade 1’s worked on their Community Books. We learned about the difference between Community, City, Province and Country. We also watched a video about Burnaby Heights and they read Community Books with their classmates.

The Gruffalo

One of my favourite read aloud books is The Gruffalo. Today we read the story and talked about Characters and Setting. We will continue to use the Gruffalo  to learn more about Stories next week.