Division 5

Mr. Kelsey's Class

Victoria Day

Written By: Mr. Kelsey - May• 06•24

Monday May 20th is Victoria Day so the school will be closed.

Track Meet Friday

Written By: Mr. Kelsey - May• 01•24

The all day track meet will be happening on May 3rd for track team members. Mr. Kelsey will be at the track meet and a TOC will be in the class  that day.

Student Led Conferences tomorrow

Written By: Mr. Kelsey - Apr• 30•24

Student Led Conferences are on May 1st.

Class Photos

Written By: Mr. Kelsey - Apr• 19•24

Class Photos are scheduled for Thursday April 25th.

Field Trip Thursday

Written By: Mr. Kelsey - Apr• 15•24

We will be going to the Britannia Mining Museum on Thursday. Please be in the classroom at 8:50. The bus leaves at 9:00 and we will not wait for anyone. Make sure you dress warmly (it can be quite cool in the mine) and have a lunch.


Written By: Mr. Kelsey - Apr• 02•24

Tennis lessons start this week.

Have a good Spring Break!

Written By: Mr. Kelsey - Mar• 15•24

I hope the students and families of division 5 have a restful Spring Break. See you back in the classroom on April 2nd.

Reports go home Friday

Written By: Mr. Kelsey - Mar• 11•24

Term 2 progress reports go home Friday.

Daylight Savings this weekend

Written By: Mr. Kelsey - Mar• 08•24

This is a reminder to set your clocks ahead one hour on Sunday morning for Daylight Savings.

Pink Shirt Day February 28th

Written By: Mr. Kelsey - Feb• 20•24

Pink Shirt Day is February 28th. Wear pink to show your support for the victims of bullying.