Hour of Code

This December, we will be participating in the Hour of Code during Computer Science Education Week, December 7 – 13. Along with many other classes at Capitol Hill and students in over one-hundred eighty countries, we will spend one hour completing a coding tutorial.


The Hour of Code is organized, in part, by the non-profit
group Code.org. The group points out that “whatever field
our students choose to go into as adults, their ability to succeed will increasingly hinge on understanding how technology works. But only a tiny fraction of us are learning computer science, and less students are studying it than a decade ago.”

The students will do some blogging after the event to let you know how it went. We are excited to hear what they thought about the experience; it will be the first time many have coded. If you’d like to join us, or to volunteer with one of the other classes, please let us know. We can always use more volunteers.

Bringing Brasil to Cap Hill

Ache Brasil is a group who perform the traditional dances and songs of Brazil. They are   awesome at gymnastics and martial arts and do everything with music and sounds. They also share facts about Brazil and use interesting instruments.The group is made up of cool relaxed people who encourage the audience to have fun while learning. You get to learn, dance, and wiggle. It is a perfect experience for you to listen to new instruments, to dance, and to enjoy! They are Capitol Hill approved!

– by Nolan and Roy

Where Has The Month Gone?

It is hard to believe September is almost over! Students and teachers are settling into new routines. We’ve made a few changes to our blog menus and look forward to adding ePortfolio links for this year’s students. Digital citizenship and blogging lessons will be starting this week. Paper blogging is one of our first lessons and is always a student favourite, especially when we read/act the comments.

This year we are excited to take part in our first Global Read Aloud. After scouring bookstores for a copy of Lynda Mullaly Hunt’s Fish in a Tree, we have located one! We are hoping to connect with other classrooms during the event and will be visiting the author’s blog to view her Q&A videos. This is a great opportunity for students to continue their development as writers as they connect with others in a moderated environment.
