Where Has The Month Gone?

It is hard to believe September is almost over! Students and teachers are settling into new routines. We’ve made a few changes to our blog menus and look forward to adding ePortfolio links for this year’s students. Digital citizenship and blogging lessons will be starting this week. Paper blogging is one of our first lessons and is always a student favourite, especially when we read/act the comments.

This year we are excited to take part in our first Global Read Aloud. After scouring bookstores for a copy of Lynda Mullaly Hunt’s Fish in a Tree, we have located one! We are hoping to connect with other classrooms during the event and will be visiting the author’s blog to view her Q&A videos. This is a great opportunity for students to continue their development as writers as they connect with others in a moderated environment.


6 thoughts on “Where Has The Month Gone?

  1. Dear Mrs. Karvelis,
    I am really enjoying the book so far I have had 2 favourite characters. Right now my favourite is Keisha. What’s yours?


    • Hi Kahlen,
      I am glad to hear you are enjoying the book. This is my second time reading it. The first time, I read it in one day! My favourite character always changes. I do like Keisha though. She has a lot of spunk! What is it about her that you like?
      Mrs. Karvelis

      • Mrs.Karvelis,
        I like Keisha because she has a really brave personality and a neat friendship with Ally and Albert. She is a person that I might want to become someday. Why do you like her?

        • I have to agree. She is very brave. Not everyone is able to defend themselves and others in the way she does. It is admirable.

  2. Dear Mrs.Karvelis
    I’m really enjoying the book so far it makes me want to read it again and again. I could totally read that without stopping in one whole day it is really enjoyable. I hope we can read some more tomorrow.


    • Hi Eadon,
      I hear you like the book so much that you have your own copy. That is fantastic! We will be reading a little bit each day for the rest of the week. I am hoping to hang up your Inside and Outside characters on Friday afternoon. Do you think you can be ready?
      Mrs. Karvelis

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