Phonograms for Reading & Writing:
Consonant Sounds (b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y and z)
Consonant Blends (bl, cl, fl, pl, sl, br, cr, fr, pr, tr, wr, st)
Short Vowels:
a – hat, cat, mat, that
e – egg, let, then
i – it, sit, this
o – on, long, song
u – up, cut, pup
Long Vowels:
a – ate, rake, came
e – we
i – like, bite, mine
o – hope, note
u – cube, tune, cute
Silent final e (e.g. cake, rise, nose & cute)
-ed past tense ending (e.g. walked, looked & jumped)
-ar as in car, far & jar
-er as in her & father
-ear as in early
-ur as in church
-sh as in wish, shop
-ch as in chat, catch
-th as in the, this, that & with
2 letter -ck as in pick, rock, crack
2 letter -ph (f) as in graph, phone
3 letter -dge (j) as in bridge & fudge