Social Studies

Term 2 Big Ideas:
*Canada is made up of diverse regions and communities
*People from diverse cultures and societies share some common experiences and aspects of life

What are the 3 major Indigenous groups in Canada?
We will examine their ways of living such as types of dwelling, food sources, and methods of transportation.

Another topic we focused on was Indigenous traditional practise of weaving. The story, Charlie Needs A Cloak, introduced students about the steps required to prepare the wool for weaving into a garment. They also gained insight from our Indigenous learning support teacher about different animals Indigenous people relied on for harvesting wool. Using small cardboard looms, each then student practiced weaving on their own using the over-and-under technique.

Through stories and discussions, students acquired an understanding of the history of residential schools and significance of Orange Shirt Day. They also wrote personal messages of hope and reconciliation which were woven together to represent community connections.