Ms Gourlay's Class – Page 47 – "It's better to know how to learn than to know." Dr. Seuss

A Community is a place where people live, work and play.

Who else lives in our community?

Many wild animals live in our community.

I live in the community of Port Moody.  Bears, deer, coyotes, salmon, Canada geese, and many kinds of aquatic birds live here too.

One of the most interesting residents of Port Moody is the beaver.  A beaver family has built a dam in the Suter Brook Creek.  Beaver can be very destructive.  They cut down trees and cause flooding.

However, Port Moody has decided that instead of relocating or moving the beavers, they can develop a plan so that the beavers can co-exist with people.  Finding solutions so that we all can live together peacefully is our responsibility.

This is our local beaver.

Listen to this story about the Busy Beaver.

How did beaver learn to show more respect for his community?

Indigenous people believe that all living things are connected.

There is a strong relationship between the Indigenous people, the environment and the northwest coast animals.

  • Different animals symbolize and represent human traits, values and characteristics.
  • On many totem poles, animals often represent families crests or clans and are used to tell a story.

The Beaver

  • Beaver is a diligent collaborator
  • Beaver represents the ways of knowing our Social Responsibility.
  • Through Beaver, we can learn to care for our community and environment by valuing diversity, advocating for others and working together for a greater good.

Please complete the self-assessment in the protected blog post and send it back to me.


Lesson 1:

I can compare and order length. (I compare objects by length and put them in order by what is longer or shorter).  I know to line up objects to check.

I can compare and order width. (I compare objects by width and put them in order by what is wider or narrower).  I know to line up objects to check.

Practice:  Point to the object in each picture that is the longest.

Lesson 2:

I can compare and order height. (I compare objects by height and put them in order by what is taller or shorter). I know to line up objects to check.

Practice:  Order these animals from tallest to shortest (in real life).


Complete the activities in the protected blog post.