Ms Gourlay's Class – Page 17 – "It's better to know how to learn than to know." Dr. Seuss

Thank you!

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I wanted to thank all of the parents of the children of division 9 for giving me the opportunity to work with your kind, caring and talented children.

These children have taught me a valuable lesson on the power of resiliency.  This year had its challenges  but, they overcame each obstacle and persevered without complaint.  They greeted every day with a sense of wonder, enthusiasm and joy . . . inspiring.

I wish you all a wonderful summer!

Love, Ms. Gourlay

We have been learning all about money.  We know that money is a medium of exchange.  We can;

  • notice the attributes of Canadian coins (colour, size, pictures) and identify their names and values (nickels, dimes, quarters, loonies, and toonies)
  • count multiples of the same denomination (nickels, dimes, loonies, and toonies)
  • role-play financial transactions, such as in a restaurant, bakery, or store, using whole numbers to combine purchases (e.g., a muffin is $2.00 and a juice is $1.00), and integrating the concept of wants and needs.

We also learned about earning, saving and spending money.

We learned that the four main parts of a plant are the roots, the stem, the leaves and the flowers.

We made these hyacinths using the lid of a water bottle (check out your child’s blogfolio to see him/her at work).

Each part has a set of jobs to do to keep the plant healthy.

  • The roots absorb water and minerals from the soil and anchor the plant in the ground.
  • The stem supports the plant above ground, and carries the water and minerals to the leaves.
  • The leaves make food for the plant.
  • The flowers grow the seeds.

We tried to guess what part of the plant each food comes from: roots (carrot, beets), stem (celery), leaves (spinach, lettuce) and flower (cauliflower, broccoli).

Plants are yummy!