Uncategorized – Page 60 – Ms Gourlay's Class

Category: Uncategorized

Division 7 has been reading a lot of books about chickens and ducks.  This is one of our favourite ones.  “Chicks and Salsa” is about some chickens who get tired of eating the same old thing every day.  The rooster decides to spice things up by having a fiesta with chips and salsa.  Hilarious!  After we read the book, we tried chips and salsa ourselves.  Then we asked ten friends if they liked chips and salsa, tallied the answers, graphed our results, and wrote a conclusion.  Ole!

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Division 7 has been learning about oviparous animals.  Oviparous animals are hatched from eggs.  We have three eggs in an incubator in our classroom.  We made our first observation using a special scope.  The scope enables us to see inside the egg as it develops.  We saw an air pocket on one end of the egg.  We were also able to see a black dot which is the heart, and little red lines on the yolk.  These red lines carry food from the yolk to the developing chick.

Stay tuned for more discoveries!

Division 7 explored some activities that encourage creative and critical thinking skills, and communication skills.  These skills are best developed through play and collaborative work.  The students designed and created products, explored technologies, and practiced simple coding.