Uncategorized – Page 54 – Ms Gourlay's Class

Category: Uncategorized

A is For Apple

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Division 8 has been talking about apples.  We know that apples come in many colours.  There are green ones.  There are yellow ones.  And there are lots and lots of red ones!  We decided to conduct an experiment to find out which apple is our favourite – Granny Smith, Red Delicious or Yellow Delicious.  Here we are doing our research. [metaslider id=3966]

These are the results of our experiment.  We discovered that most of the class liked the yellow apples the best.  We also found out that apples are crisp, juicy and sweet/sour.


Ask me what my favourite apple is.


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“Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive that is youer than you.” – Dr. Seuss

Did you just read that and think to yourself, “There is no such word as youer”? Well, that may be true, but Dr. Seuss often made up words in order to express a feeling or idea.  In this quote, he is reminding us that everyone is unique and special.

Introducing Division 8 – a collection of unique and special individuals.

One way we identify ourselves as different is by our name.  The “kindies” are learning to write their names like we do at school – with a capital letter followed by lower-case ones.  We practiced using letter magnets, stamps and tracing.[metaslider id=3965]


Division 8 been learning about earning money, saving money, and using money to buy goods and service.  We can identify the values of coins (e.g., nickles, dimes, quarters, loonies, toonies) and can count multiples of the same denomination.

We have been exploring financial literacy by role playing monetary transactions at the grocery store and restaurant.  We can make a shopping list, look at flyers to see what is on sale, weigh our produce and pay for our groceries at the cash register.  We can order from a menu, add up the bill and pay for our meal.  Here we are at work!

[metaslider id=3898]