Uncategorized – Page 50 – Ms Gourlay's Class

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Bat Art

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[metaslider id=4357]This art work is an interpretation of what echolocation might look like for a bat.  The colours are the sound waves bouncing off objects and returning to their ears. 

Ask me how I made these pictures.



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Division 8 learned that bats can fly in total darkness because they use Echolocation to navigate and catch insects to eat.  To echolocate, bats send out sound waves from their mouth or nose. When the sound waves hit an object they produce echoes.  The echoes return to the bats ears and tell them where the object is in space.  The kids love this video that explains how bats use their sense of hearing to find their food.



The scientists of Division 8 have been working on answering the question, “Would a bat make a good pet?”  First, we asked LOTS of questions about bats.  Next, we looked for the answers to our questions.  Then, we organized the information that we learned on a ‘thinking web’.  

But what to do next?  We scratched our heads (figuratively).  Finally, one little scientist said, “Wait a minute.  Don’t we need to know what kind of bat lives here?” (smart cookie).  We found out that the Little Brown Bat is the most common bat in British Columbia.  The Little Brown Bat eats insects (600 per hour).  We also learned that they are nocturnal, use echolocation, live in colonies and fly.


We were ready to answer the question, “Would a bat make a good pet?”