Uncategorized – Page 26 – Ms Gourlay's Class

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Rosie Revere wanted to be an engineer and invent gizmos and gadgets to help others.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

You could be a chef, baker, astronaut, firefighter, teacher, dentist, lawyer, mail carrier, coach, doctor, plumber, nurse, policeman, librarian, or a farmer to name just a few.

All of these people work in our communities and help us get our needs met.

Listen to this story and see if any of these jobs interest you.

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.

“I always wanted to be a teacher when I grew up, and I love my job.  I get to help children learn new things”. – Ms. Gourlay.

Here’s another example from your friend Ethan.

Complete the activities in the protected post.  Draw a picture of what you would like to be and why.  Use the  letter sounds that you know to write your words.

Please send the completed work to me.

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Today we are going to learn about the Problem and Solution of a story.

Problem: What goes wrong in the story.  The problem usually happens near the beginning of the story.

Solution: How the problem is fixed or solved.

Listen to this story to see if you can identify the problem and solution.

Did you have the same idea that I had?

The problem: Prudy collected too much stuff and couldn’t throw anything away. It was taking over her house.

The solution: Prudy built a museum to hold all of her collections.

Listen to Rosie Revere Engineer again.  Can you tell what the problem and solution is in the story?  Tell a grown-up your idea.

Complete the activities in the protected blog post.

Please visit Ms. Field for a read aloud in the library
