Uncategorized – Page 16 – Ms Gourlay's Class

Category: Uncategorized

What do we know about stories? We know that a story has a character, a setting and a problem and a solution


  • Characters can be people, animals or creatures
  • Characters think, feel and act.
  • Characters usually change in a story


  • The setting answers the the questions where and when.
  • The time of a story may be the future or the past,  the daytime or night, the summer or winter.
  • The place of a story could be a school or a jungle, a city or a desert.
  • We can use describing words to tell about the setting like sunny, cold, busy or spooky.

Problem and Solution

Problem: What goes wrong in the story.  The problem usually happens near the beginning of the story.

Solution: How the problem is fixed or solved.

Let’s talk a little more about story structure or how to retell the events of a story in the order that they happened.

Let’s retell the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears – Ask your grown-up to ask you the questions.  Remember to answer your grown-up in complete sentences.

Who were the characters?  The characters in the story are Goldilocks and the Three Bears

What was the setting?  The setting was a house in the woods.

What did the Three Bears Do?  The Bears went for a walk while their porridge cooled.

What did Goldilocks do in the house? Goldilocks ate the bear’s porridge, sat in their chairs and fell asleep in their beds.

What happened at the end?  The Bears came home and found Goldilocks asleep.  They scared her and she ran away.

Let’s listen to the Bad Seed again.

Can you retell the story of the Bad Seed?  Complete the activities in the protected blog post.

Please visit Ms. Field for a read aloud in the library.  She reads a new story every Wednesday.


Every Friday Division 9 & 10 get together to work on Second Step. Second Step is a program that teaches children skills for social and academic success.

Our topic is: Solving Problems

This weeks lesson:  How to solve problems

Lesson Concepts:

  • You need to calm down before you solve a problem
  • The first step in solving problems is to use words to describe the problem
  • The second step is to think of lots of solutions

Have you ever had a problem?  Listen to this Book called “Talk It Out”.

Today we are going to learn some steps to help you solve problems. 

You learned that if you have strong feelings, then you cannot think well.  You need to calm down first before you solve a problem.

The first step is Say the problem.  When you have a problem, say what the problem is out loud or inside your head.

The second step is Think of solutions.  That means to come up with lots of ideas to solve the problem.

The third step is Explore consequences.  Ask yourself, what could happen if . . . .

The last step is Pick the best solution.  Make your plan.

Let’s listen to a song about the Problem-Solving Steps, called “The Problem-Solving Song.

Today you learned that if you have a problem, there are steps you can follow to help you solve the problem.

When you have a problem, it is important to use self-talk to help you solve it.  You can talk out loud or in your head.  Talking to yourself helps you to not get stuck.  So this week, if you have a problem, say the problem and think of solutions!

Remember to go to Ms. Quin’s Blog for music and movement activities.
