Uncategorized – Page 12 – Ms Gourlay's Class

Category: Uncategorized

Let’s learn about telling time.  Listen to this video.

Lesson 7:

I can describe the passage of time. (I can explore ways of measuring time through discussion and play).


Point to the pictures in the order of which they happen during the school day.

Lesson 8:

I can name the parts of a clock. (Each part of the analog clock helps us to tell time).

Lesson 9

I can tell time to the hour. (We say o’clock when the long hand points to 12).


Can you tell the time on these clocks?  Remember to look at the hour hand first.  The minute hand is at o’clock.

Complete the activities in protected blog post.


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Do you like fruit?

Thank a bee.

In order for a fruit to grow pollen has to move from the the stamen of one flower to the pistil of another flower.

How do bees help?

Bees like to drink nectar . . . the sweet liquid in flowers.

As a bee travels drinking nectar, it moves pollen from flower to flower.

This is called pollination.  Once a flower has been pollinated a fruit begins to grow.

What is inside a fruit?  Seeds!

So next time you see a bee, say thank you for all the wonderful fruits that we get to eat.