Learning – Page 31 – Ms Gourlay's Class

Category: Learning

Number Concepts

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What does math looks like in our classroom?

Most of our time is spent actively practicing new strategies and developing math fluency through hands-on activities, such as games, puzzles etc.  We also work together because cooperative learning encourages different ways of thinking. We can count, show one-to-one correspondence, order and compare numbers, subitize (the ability to quickly identify the number of items in a small set without counting), estimate, decompose numbers (break a number into smaller parts) and form numerals correctly.



What's My Superpower

We read the book What’s My Superpower? by Aviaq Johnston.  This book is about a young Inuk girl named Nalvana.  She loves the idea of superheroes and is curious about what superpower she might have. As Nalvana goes about her days, she identifies and names the special talents or powers of those around her. Some of her friends are able to run swiftly, almost fly in their swings, and carve beautiful ice sculptures, but Nalvana can do none of those things. After spending so long trying to find what she does well, she begins to feel discouraged until her mother points out what she does best – making others feel good about themselves.  This book inspired us to think about our own superpower.

The children were asked to draw a recognizable picture about their own special talent and tell a story about it.  They were also invited to use the letter sounds that they knew to label their drawing or write a sentence about their picture.

The work that you see in your child’s blogfolio was done completely independently.

The full moon was the perfect scary backdrop for Halloween night this year, as a rare blue moon shone in the night sky.  There was a full moon on October 1st and October 31, 2020, and because October had two full moons, the second full moon is called a blue moon… We won’t see another blue moon on Halloween night until 2039.

Halloween festivities looked a bit different this year because of the coronavirus pandemic, but we managed to celebrate the occasion at school with some fun activities – spider races, spider ring toss, ghost builders and roll, count and cover.

Thank you Ms. Chow for the picture.