Learning – Page 27 – Ms Gourlay's Class

Category: Learning

As scientists, the children have been;
  • observing objects and events in familiar contexts
  • asking simple questions about familiar objects and events

The children have been looking at pictures of snowflakes and they noticed that there are different types of snowflakes. They built many  kinds of snowflakes using geometrical shapes.

They also wondered about how snowflakes are made.  They learned about the life cycle of snow and about the water states of matter (gas, liquid, solid).

Water evaporates and goes up in the air.

Water vapor freezes high in the sky.

Crystals form and grow.

Snowflakes get heavy and fall to the ground.

We Are Engineers

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The children have been working with a variety of materials, tools and technologies that promote creative and critical thinking.  They also encourage problem solving skills (persevering when something doesn’t work and being flexible enough to try different ways of doing things) and working effectively in a group (working respectfully and constructively with others).  These were the challenges presented to the children;

  • Keva Blocks – create a structure by stacking wood planks using no glue or connectors
  • Snap Circuits – build a variety of circuits that do something like turn on a light or run a fan
  • Coding Safari – learn the fundamentals of coding through this animal themed logic game
  • Chatter Pix – use oral language skills to create a picture that talks
  • Marble works – create a structure that uses chain reactions to move a marble through chutes
  • Bee Bots – program the little robot to move in many directions  (a pre-cursor to coding)



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The children have been learning about snowflakes.  We know that:

  • Snowflakes have 6 sixes
  • Snowflakes have a hexagonal shape
  • Every snowflake is different
  • All snowflakes are symmetrical

Based on the above criteria, they created their own unique snowflakes using loose parts.  Check out the creative designs in the children’s blogfolios.