Number bonds help kids build their understanding of the part-part-whole concept, which refers to a whole number being made up of two or more parts.
Number bonds show how numbers join together, and how they break down into its parts.
Number bonds are also a great way to learn the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction. Example: If I have ten, and take five away “how many are left?” and I have five “how many more do I need to make 10?”
Practice: Let’s show how many ways we can make 10.
Can you tell your grown-up the other number sentences for each number bond picture?
Here’s another fun way to learn the number bonds for addition to 10. ( Remember the colours of the rainbow?)
Lesson 9:
I can decompose 10 to subtract. (I can use a ten frame to find all the combinations that subtract from 10).
Can you tell your grown-up the missing number sentences?
Complete the practice pages in the protected post.