Learning – Page 14 – Ms Gourlay's Class

Category: Learning

My Name

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The most important word for any child is his/her own name.  For most children, it is the first word that they learn to read and write.

The children have been doing activities that draw their attention to the letters in their own names, including learning to print their names starting with a capital letter followed by lower-case ones.

Children recognize the letters of the alphabet by attending to their distinctive features; circles, straight lines, crossing lines.  Practicing their names helps them to notice the differences among the letters.  It also helps them to learn the sounds in their names and the names of their friends.


Be You!

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Introducing Division 11

“Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!” Dr.Seuss

Be curious…

Be adventurous…

Be brave…


Each child received the book “Be You!” by Peter H. Reyholds in the Welcome to Kindergarten bag.  As we read this book together, we talked about the ways  that every child is unique and special, and to always “be your own work of art” . . . because there is one, and only one, YOU.

The children have been getting to know each other and learning each others names. Ask your child if s/he can tell you the names of the children in the picture.

Thank you!

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I wanted to thank all of the parents of the children of division 9 for giving me the opportunity to work with your kind, caring and talented children.

These children have taught me a valuable lesson on the power of resiliency.  This year had its challenges  but, they overcame each obstacle and persevered without complaint.  They greeted every day with a sense of wonder, enthusiasm and joy . . . inspiring.

I wish you all a wonderful summer!

Love, Ms. Gourlay