My Family – Ms Gourlay's Class

My Family

| Posted in Learning

Stories and traditions about ourselves and our families reflect who we are and where we are from.

We have been talking about how families differ and are the same;  including physical characteristics (e.g., hair, skin colour, eyes), cultural characteristics (e.g., language, family origins, food and dress), and other characteristics (e.g., preferred activities, favourite books and movies, pets).

We also talked about our personal and family history and traditions, such as;

  • important events in life (e.g., starting school, losing a tooth, getting a new pet or moving)
  • family stories (e.g., immigration to Canada, First Peoples oral histories, notable ancestors, memories from older relatives)
  • traditions and celebrations (e.g., Christmas, other winter festivals around the world), special cultural holidays (e.g., Lunar New Year, First Peoples celebrations, birthdays, and associated foods, clothing, art)

Have a wonderful Family Day!

4 thoughts on “My Family”

  1. Jenny says:

    Their family portraits are so cute!

    Happy Family Day!

  2. Tobey says:

    Thank you for posting these beautiful drawings! I am very pleased to see all of these cute pictures! Happy Family Day everyone!

  3. Kam says:

    Thank you for sharing, lovely family portraits.

  4. Irene says:

    The family pictures are adorable! Thank you for sharing 🙂

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