Needs and Wants – Ms Gourlay's Class

Needs and Wants

| Posted in Learning

The pigeon wants a puppy…he really, really, really does! But is it a good idea? He promises to take good care of it—to play tennis with it, to water it at least once a month. But is he ready for the responsibility? The book The Pigeon Wants a Puppy! by Mo Williams is about how the pigeon asks, pleads, moans and begs to let him have his way and get what he wants.

The children have been learning about the difference between a need and a want? (e.g., people need food to live but ordering pizza is a want).   We sorted the pictures into things we need and things we want:

  • needs (e.g., water, food, clothing, love and acceptance, safety, education, shelter)
  • wants (toys, entertainment, luxuries, eating out at a restaurant)


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