We have BEAN planting! – Ms Gourlay's Class

We have BEAN planting!

| Posted in Learning

We have been learning all about plants!  We planted three different types of beans – Runner Beans, Pole Beans and Bush Beans.

We did an experiment to see how seeds grow into plants.  We started by putting the bean seeds and a wet paper towel in a small zip-lock bag and hung it in the window

Here’s what they looked like after three weeks.

We were surprised to see that roots of the seeds grew downward, no matter which way the seed was resting.

Here’s a closer look at our seeds. 

We opened up a seed to see what was inside.

Can you see the baby plant?

Parts of the Seed:

Seed Coat – The most outer part that protects the seed.  It has special chemicals (or super powers) in it that tell the seed when it is time to start growing.

Roots – They hold the plant in the ground and keep it upright. Roots always grow downward.  They take water and food from the soil.

Embryo – The baby plant.

Food Storage or Endosperm – feeds the embryo and helps it grow.  It’s like the baby plant has it own backpack filled with snacks.

We also learned that the seed needs water, sun, air, soil and space to grow.

Until it gets those things, it is dormant which means it is resting.  When the seed begins to grow, it is germinating.

Wow! Seeds are really smart.

We planted all the seeds in our class garden.

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