Isolation Vacation – Ms Gourlay's Class

Isolation Vacation

| Posted in Learning

Well . .  . who would have thought that we would find ourselves getting an isolation vacation.  Our class has been exposed to a person confirmed to have COVID-19 and therefore we must self-isolate for 14 days until April 23rd.

When I heard the news, I thought . . . why?  But sometimes, in the moment, we can’t understand why things are unfolding as they are.  It is only in hindsight that we can begin to make sense of it all.  So, the most desirable course of action is to remain as positive as we can and try to do our best to get through these unprecedented times.  As Dr. Seuss suggests, let’s use this opportunity to make some wonderful memories with our children.

I know that everyone’s situation is different and trying to accomplish anything at home with small children around can be challenging (been there).  Please know that I do not have any expectations regarding how much school work your child manages to get done – quality over quantity.  So don’t worry. I will be providing you with ways in which you can engage your child in learning.   Just do what you can and have fun . . . make some memories!

Let’s have a wonderful (sunny) two weeks of isolation vacation.

9 thoughts on “Isolation Vacation”

  1. Mallory + Haddie says:

    We loved your words so much Ms. Gourlay! We miss you and all our friends so much but being safe is top on our list. Cant wait to send you pictures of what we get up to… thanks for always making sure we are safe❤️

  2. Gabby and Micah says:

    Ms. Gourlay

    I lost one of my front teeth yesterday. I was very excited to show my friends today. I will ask my mom to upload pictures later to show everyone my new look! However, I lost my little teeth when I played with it so tooth fairy did not visit me last night. Hooray that I have more tooth and I can try again. I am staying home with my little brother – Micah. Mom said that we cannot take any chance to expose more families. I am doing well in here and hope everyone stay safe!

    1. Ms Gourlay says:

      I can’t wait to see you without your tooth. I bet you look so cute.

  3. Mariana and Sofia says:

    Hello Ms. Gourlay
    I am so sad that being the new student I can’t continue going to class and keep enjoying my new friends and teachers, but I know that we have to stay safe. I will be doing all these games with my mom and keep trying to practice my English every day till the day we have to go back.
    I am doing well and I also hope that everyone is good too!

    1. Ms Gourlay says:

      Hi Sofia,
      I will miss you!
      Keep practicing printing your name and naming the numbers to 5 in English.

  4. Thomas says:

    Thomas enjoys his vacation. Today he watched a movie and helped father to cut grasses. He misses you and his friends.Hope everyone will be safe.

  5. Annie Hoang says:

    Aava wants tell all her friends that she misses them, and you too Ms. Gourlay. She can’t wait to see you all again soon. We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. Have a great Isolation Vacation

    1. Ms Gourlay says:

      Hi Aava,
      I am glad to hear that you are well!
      Isn’t is wonderful that we have such beautiful weather.
      See you soon.

  6. Kaiyu Haseyama says:

    This is Kai! I miss my friends and Ms.Gourlay. I am fine and all my family are healthy^^
    I enjoy spending time with my family ,but I can’t wait to see my friends on Friday!

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