Read Alouds – Ms Gourlay's Class

Read Alouds

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“You’re never too old, too wacky, too wild, to pick up a book and read to a child.” – Dr.Seuss

What is the value of a read aloud?

  • involves children in reading  for enjoyment
  • demonstrates reading for a purpose
  • provides an example of phrased, fluent reading
  • develops a sense of story
  • develops concepts about books (how books work and what books are about)
  • develops concepts about print (letters, words, sentences, capitals, punctuation, spacing)
  • increases vocabulary
  • makes complex ideas available to children
  • promotes oral language development  (Fountas &Pinnell, 1996)

Check out your child’s blogfolio to hear how being read to has helped his/her literacy development.

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