The Apple Orchard Riddle – Ms Gourlay's Class

The Apple Orchard Riddle

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We read a book about a school trip to an apple orchard called “The Apple Orchard Riddle”.  On the trip the students learn a lot about apples and apple orchards—including how apples are harvested, how cider is made, and what the different varieties of apples are—while trying to solve a riddle.

The riddle is:  Show me a little red house with no windows and no door, but with a star inside.

Did you guess? The answer is:  An Apple.

If you cut an apple in half, right across the middle, you can see the star of seeds inside.  The star has five parts, one for each  petal of the apple blossom.


Ask me about the parts of an apple – skin, flesh and core.

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