Anger – Ms Gourlay's Class


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Every Friday Division 9 & 10 get together to work on Second Step. Second Step is a program that teaches children skills for social and academic success.

Our topic is: Emotional Management

This weeks lesson: Managing Anger

Lesson concepts:

  • Feeling angry is natural.
  • Hurtful, mean behaviours are not okay.
  • Your body lets you know when you are angry.
  • Learning to relax calms you down.

Today we will talk about managing anger. Everybody feels angry sometimes, but it is not okay to be mean and hurt peoples bodies and feelings when you’re angry.

Think, turn, tell: what did you learn from the song?

People show anger in different ways.  Some people are loud and noisy.  Others are quiet. You can feel a little bit angry, or you can feel very angry. When you are very angry, you are having a strong feeling.

Everybody gets angry sometimes. Its just part of life. But doing hurtful things when you are angry – like hitting, kicking, calling other people names, yelling, and pushing – is not okay because they hurt other people’s bodies and feelings.

When you’re angry, you need to calm down so you don’t act in hurtful ways.  Its easier to calm down if you do it as soon as you notice you feel angry.  If you feel tense, you can use the Calm-Down steps and big belly breaths to help you relax.


  • Put your hands on your tummy
  • Say stop and say “I am feeling angry!”
  • Take some deep, slow breaths that make your belly move out

Remember to go to Ms. Quin’s Blog for week six of music and movement activities.

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