Hello! – Ms Gourlay's Class


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Welcome back!

I miss you all and hope that you had a great Spring Break . . . . . resting and spending time with family.

Sometimes, in the moment, we don’t understand why things are unfolding as they are.  It is only in hindsight that we can begin to make sense of it all.  The most desirable course of action then is to remain as positive as we can and try to do our best to get through these unprecedented times.  So, as Dr. Seuss suggests, let’s use this opportunity to make some wonderful memories with the children.

I know that everyone’s situation is different and trying to accomplish anything at home with small children around can be challenging (been there).  Please know that I do not have any expectations regarding how much school work your child manages to get done – quality over quantity.  So don’t worry. I will be providing you with ways in which you can engage your child in learning.   Just do what you can and have fun . . . make some memories!

You should have received an email from me yesterday.  Please let me know if you got it so that I can keep in touch.

Love, Ms. Gourlay

1 thought on “Hello!”

  1. JUAN says:

    Hi Ms Gourley,
    How are you? I received your email. I wish you had a safe and wonderful spring break.

    We are good. Caleb is having fun at home, reading books, watching TV and play with his brother. We hope to see you soon.

    Take care,


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