Rainforest Tour – Ms Gourlay's Class

Rainforest Tour

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Imagine standing on the forest floor . . . 

Looking up through the understory

Looking past the thick canopy

To the emergent layer reaching the sky

Imagine walking through a rainforest . . .

We have been imagining what it would be like to walk through the rainforest.  We can describe what we would see as we walked along the forest floor and looked up toward the sky. 

The children have been working on communicating information orally.  We used our rainforest model as a framework to elicit ideas and provide organization for our thinking.  First, we practiced what we wanted to say.  Then, we rehearsed speaking in a loud, clear voice using appropriate pacing, grammar and vocabulary.   Finally, we recorded what we wanted to say.

Keep checking your child’s blogfolio to take a tour of the rainforest.

1 thought on “Rainforest Tour”

  1. Irene says:

    Fun 3D model of the rainforest! I hear about this at home sometimes!

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