Ocean Wise Sea Dome – Ms Gourlay's Class

Ocean Wise Sea Dome

| Posted in Learning

On Wednesday, we had a visit from Sea Dome.  Sea Dome  is a travelling national climate education program, fully funded by the Government of Canada. The purpose of the Sea Dome program and the Ocean Wise teachers is to educate children about how climate change is affecting the ocean and the animals that live there.  The program features marine artifacts and hands-on interactive activities designed to encourage passion and care of the oceans. Here are some of the wonderful things that we got to experience!

Station 1: The children sat around an Arctic floor map and talked about some of the animals that live in the Arctic, including foxes, seals and polar bears. They learned about how the ice is melting due to the earth’s rising temperatures. The children liked being able to feel the fur and see a replica of a polar bears skull.

Station 2: The children learned about sea turtles, sharks and whales and the importance of keeping the ocean clean.  The children loved pretending to be a sea turtle and wearing its shell. They also got to see the shark’s teeth, the whale’s baleen and rib, and a polar bear’s fur coat. 

Station 3: The children sat in the Inflatable Sea Dome and saw the ocean’s ecosystems projected all around them. The children said that is was like being underwater!


Thank you Sea Dome for such  a memorable experience!


1 thought on “Ocean Wise Sea Dome”

  1. Jenny says:

    Wow! What an amazing workshop by Ocean Wise! Brayden had so much fun learning about the different facts about the ocean and the animals. Brayden enjoyed learning about the plastic garbage in the ocean the most. I thought the turtle shell on Brayden’s back and the giant whale rib were pretty cool! Thanks for sharing the pictures, Ms. Gourlay!

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