Places in Our Community – Ms Gourlay's Class

Places in Our Community

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Toby and Riley live in the community of Port Moody.

There are many important places in our community such as, schools, a public library, grocery stores, a hospital, a police and fire station.

Do you have the same places in your community?

Ask your grown-up to take you for a drive in your community.  Can you find these places?    Take pictures.

Here is Toby and Riley’s favourite place in our community:

This is the ice cream shop at Rocky Point Park in Port Moody.  They serve ice cream cones for dogs that come with a Mike Bone biscuit on top.




This is our human, Ms. Gourlay’s favourite place in  our community:

This is the shore line trail along the Burrard Inlet in Port Moody.  We walk here everyday.

We see ducks on the water.  We hear geese honking.  We smell the salty water.  We touch the wooden paths beneath our paws.  We are not allowed to eat anything!





What is your favourite place in the community?  Draw a picture of it and tell me why you like it (click on the link).

My Place

Big Question:  How does my community meet my needs?


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