Spring Senses – Ms Gourlay's Class

Spring Senses

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The best way to fully experience spring is by using our five senses; sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.

Can you see the blooming flowers, the budding leaves or the nests in the trees?

Can you hear the  singing and twittering of birds or the patter of raindrops?

Can you feel the sun on your back or the breeze on your face?

Can you taste the dripping ice cream cone, picnic food from a basket or dad’s BBQ dinner?

Can you smell  the scents of lilacs, apple blossoms, hyacinth and daffodils?  Or the smell of fresh, cool air or freshly cut grass?

Be an Author!  Print off the Spring Senses and the Spring Poem sheet.  Write one word and/or draw a picture in each box.  Write a spring poem by printing each of your words on a line.  Illustrate your poem.

Spring Senses

My Spring Poem

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