Toby and Riley’s Spring Break – Ms Gourlay's Class

Toby and Riley’s Spring Break

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Hi, I’m Toby                                         And I’m Riley.


You know our human, Ms. Gourlay.  We loved having her at home for Spring Break.  Here’s what we did:

We went on lots of walks. We helped with the chores (“Not so helpful”). We ate snacks. We took naps. We read books (“I love reading”).  We went on more walks. We snacked again. We read another book. We took longer walks (“Why am I not thinner?  Oh, yes . . . the snacks”). We needed a rest after being so busy (“Toby looks like a rug”).

We would love to see what you did over Spring Break.  Please draw some pictures, add some sentences if you can and send it to our human, Ms. Gourlay.  She can post them so that you can see what your friends did.

Love, Toby and Riley (with comments by Ms. Gourlay)

2 thoughts on “Toby and Riley’s Spring Break”

  1. Mallory says:

    “I love your puppies they are so cute! I have my puppy Dukers are you my brothers?” What cuties!!! Sounds like we had very similar spring break experiences.

  2. Jose Sanchez says:

    Hi Ms Gourlay, Jose says your dogs are very cute. He loves dogs and he is very caring with them and with our guinea pig. He has take them for walks almost every day! Keep having fun with your furry babies.

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