Shadows – Ms Gourlay's Class


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On February 2, a groundhog is said to forecast weather by looking for his shadow. If it’s sunny out, and he sees his shadow, we’re in for six more weeks of winter. On the other hand, a cloudy Groundhog Day is supposed to mean that we will have an early spring.  We curious about shadows so we watched how to make shadow puppets with out hands.


Then we went outside to see if we could see our shadows, and we did so . . . we predict that we will have six more weeks of winter.


2 thoughts on “Shadows”

  1. Mallory says:

    I love this! Haddie was so excited to tell us all about seeing her shadow today – I however am not a fan of this prediction…. we’ve had enough winter!

  2. Irene says:

    Cool! Predicting when spring will arrive with our shadows! I see why Cameron is so excited for spring’s arrival now. Super neat!

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