The Color Monster – Ms Gourlay's Class

The Color Monster

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We have been learning the vocabulary that helps us to recognize, share and manage our feelings and emotions.  This is an important aspect of the Personal Awareness and Responsibility core competency.

Today we read a wonderful story called The Color Monster by Anna llenas.  This story is about a little monster who is confused by his mixed-up emotions.  He feels angry, happy, calm, sad and scared all at once!  To help him, a little girl shows him what each feeling means through color: Yellow is happiness, Blue is sadness, Red is anger, Grey is fear, Green is calm and Pink is love.   The monster learns to identify his emotions and practice self-regulation.


1 thought on “The Color Monster”

  1. Irene says:

    This is wonderful! Children learning this as they develop their ability to gain awareness of their emotions and practicing self regulation. It’s something even adults should practice too!

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