We’re Off! – Ms Gourlay's Class

We’re Off!

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“You’re off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So… get on your way!” – Dr. Suess

Introducing the “mountain climbers” of Division 10!  We are looking forward to a fabulous kindergarten year – full of laughter and learning.

2 thoughts on “We’re Off!”

  1. Kyong eun Im says:

    Hope you have a magnificent year with beautiful kids. They are so lucky to have you for sure. Cheers!

  2. Janet says:

    Love the term “mountain climber”. We all climb our own mountains, which can seem really huge. Understanding that goes a long way. Facing our mountains takes courage. Have an exciting year…hope to meet you soon.
    Ms Chow (another mountain climber)

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