The Polar Bears’ Shrinking Habitats – Ms Gourlay's Class

The Polar Bears’ Shrinking Habitats

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The children learned that the polar bear’s habitat is changing because of global warming.  Pollution is causing the world to warm up and the ice is melting in the Arctic.  The polar bears need the ice to hunt for their favorite food, seals.  The polar bear waits at a hole in the ice for a seal to come to the surface to breathe.  Then the polar bear grabs it.  Yummy!

The children designed a man-made habitat for a polar bear to live in.  They had to decide what features it would have to include in order for the polar bear to live comfortably.  Then they drew a picture of what it would look like.  Finally, they constructed the habitats out of paper and foam.

Visit your child’s blogfolio to see what s/he would look like living in a polar bear’s habitat.

Thank you Ms. Chow for the wonderful pictures.

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