Light is Energy – Ms Gourlay's Class

Light is Energy

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Division 7 learned that light produces energy so that we can see things.  We know that there are natural light sources, such as the sun and stars, and artificial light sources, such as light bulbs and neon lights. 

We know that we learn best when we are given opportunities to explore and experiment with materials. We used flash lights, mirrors and prisms to figure our what light can do.  

We discovered that light travels in a straight line.  We see objects when light shines on them and it bounces back to our eyes.  When light bounces off something, we say it is reflected.  When light passes through one thing to another, it can actually bend.  This is called refraction.[metaslider id=3147]


Fun Fact:  The moon is not a light source.  Moonlight is just sunlight that reflects of the surface of the moon! 


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