The Legion of Doom Is Now in Session!

Welcome back.


1. Outer space.

2.  Inner space.

3.  What do you consider one of your worst traits?  Imagine that trait is now your superpower.

Draw you as a superhero using this power as a force for good.

You have three minutes to draw after you press “Play” below to activate R.E.M. singing what was a minor hit for them but that my Survivor-buddy Victoria (also known as Vic, also known as Vic the Slick Chick, also known as Slick, also known as Lady Slick of the Boulevard) and I wore the tape out on (as in cassette tape!) while driving around in my light blue Volkswagen Beetle in high school, singing along in harmony at the top of our lungs:

4.  Give the superhero version of you a name, based on your superpower.  Title: “[Your Superhero Name] to the Rescue!”

5.  Date it.

6.  Email it to me.

See you at 10:00, Super Friends!

(Or, you know, Super Villains, whatever floats your particular boat.)

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