Calling all students (past or present) of Confederation Park Elementary!!!
After seeing the inspiring story of Captain Tom Moore–who turned 100 this past April–the teachers of Confederation Park have a challenge for you…
We are having a virtual food drive!
How will it work?
- Create your own ‘100 Challenge’
- Pick something that you can do 100 times–or something you can do 100 times each day!!!
- Tell family and friends about your challenge and register at the link below
- Confederation Park will be raising funds for the Greater Vancouver Food Bank
- Share the news about our virtual food drive using this link:
- Start your challenge
- Complete your challenge by June 25
“I contribute to group activities that make my classroom, school, community or natural world a better place.”
I hope you will take this opportunity to practice your Social Responsibility skills on a community level. Don’t forget to snap a few photos as you complete your challenge and send them to me!
My pledge is to donate $5 for every student in Division 9 who completes their 100 challenge!
Good luck and let’s make the world a better place for everyone!!