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Choral Reading

Posted by on September 24, 2015

What is choral reading?

“Choral reading is reading aloud in unison with a whole class or group of students.”

Each day we read chorally together in two different genres:

  • a storybook

Our storybook is photocopied for each child to read along with, and at the end of the week, we bring it home.  Our storybook this week was I See–their job is to read the book 3 times to anyone/anything (a stuffy, a pet, a friend, a relative…)!  Practice…practice…practice!

  • a poem/song

Our Poem of the Week comes home each Monday in their green duo-tangs–their job is to read it each night and the Grade Ones also need to fill in the missing words on the back (K’s are welcome to try this–but it is not required!).

Why use choral reading?

  • It can provide less skilled readers the opportunity to practice and receive support before being required to read on their own.
  • It provides a model for fluent reading as students listen.
  • It helps improve the ability to read sight words.

Although it is intended for teachers, you can check out this link for more information:

Thanks for your support in our home reading program!

Happy Reading! smiley-face-reading-a-book


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