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Mountain Gems

Posted by on February 25, 2015

Yesterday we went on another visit out into our community–we visited the rock and gem store Mountain Gems.  The walk was nice,  no rain, and we even had time to drop off a Thank You card we made for North Burnaby Dental!  

Once we got to the store, we focused our attention on Bruce (the owner).  Many of us were very excited as we had brought some money to spend (a few coins fell to the floor as Bruce was talking!).   Bruce did a great job of explaining to us about the different kinds of rocks and how those rocks were formed.  Then, it was finally time for us to look around his store!  Wow!!!  There were so many things to look at…it was very difficult for some of us to decide what we wanted to spend our money on–but some of us knew right away!  

Division 9 did an awesome job remembering to follow our R.O.C.K.S. rules while on our field trip.  I was very proud of the way they represented our school.  I can’t wait to plan the next trip…I’m hoping for Chocolate or Sweets…I will keep you posted!

Of course, a big thank you to all the parents who helped out on our trip–we couldn’t do it without you!


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