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Reading Strategies

Posted by on January 17, 2017

We use reading strategies every day!  

We use them before reading, during reading and after reading…

In the last few weeks we have been working on two specific strategies:

  1. Making Predictions
  2. Asking Questions

We’ve been developing our ability to use these strategies as a group through read aloud.  

To work on Making Predictions, we read the book Enemy Pie.  We read through the book, stopping periodically to make predictions about events in the story.  We drew our predictions, and shared them out loud with the class.  Come into the school and check out our bulletin board with our prediction books!

We used the story The Great Fuzz Frenzy to aid us with our Asking Questions strategy.  We worked together to create a web of questions that came to mind before, during and after our read aloud.

These are great strategies that you can try at home…as you read aloud to your child (or as they read to you) as them to predict what the story is about based on the cover, or what will happen next…share with them the questions that pop into your head as you read–and ask them to share their questions too!
Happy Reading! smiley-face-reading-a-book

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