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Trip To SFU

Posted by on April 30, 2016

I know this happened a while ago…forgive me, but we’ve been very busy with our production of “The Little Mermaid”!

We had an awesome time visiting SFU… (it brought back some fond memories for Ms. McKenna and I!)

We made a trip to the SFU Trottier Studio to participate in a workshop in the ‘Science In Action’ Program.  Unfortunately, we they were unable to do the “Bird Resources” workshop we had requested, but we had so much fun doing the Super Science Challenge.

Our objective was to:sfu2

‘Learn to think outside-the-box to solve puzzles, build contraptions and complete tasks; all with a scientific angle!’


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After our workshop, we explored the Campus a bit while going on a Scavenger Hunt.  There are so many fun things to see!  We also spent some time writing poems about our experiences.

A big Thank You to our PAC for providing us with the funds to pay for our school bus!  And of course to our volunteers who attended with us–we couldn’t do it without you!

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