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Our First Field Trip

Posted by on October 2, 2015

Yesterday was our first field trip of the year.  We went to the Mc Gill branch of the Burnaby Public Library.  It was a beautiful day to walk over–we all enjoyed looking at the seasonal changes.  A big thank you to all the Grade One students–they were VERY responsible–being excellent partners to the Kindergarten students!!  Way to show ownership, kindness, and safety!

While we were at the library we had a fun time reading a story with Kathryn (the children’s Librarian).  We were all very respectful, remembering to take turns, use our quiet voices and walking feet.  I’m sure the other library patrons were as impressed as I was!

Our next trip is already in the works…please watch for the notice!

A big Thank You to all the parent helpers–we couldn’t do it without you!

OK happy face_full

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