We have begun our Social Studies Unit on Community! We will be working on this unit throughout the next two terms, going on a number of field trips to various places in our community. Our first trip was to Vancity Credit Union. We walked down in the rain, and got a little wet, but we had a great time touring the bank.
Some of the highlights were:
- the money dispensing machine
- the vault–!!!
- the money counting machine
- the staff room (it smelled like fresh popcorn and had cool fridges!)
- getting to chose our own piggy banks (some of us already have a plan for the money we will save!)
Thanks so much to everyone at Vancity…you were all so patient with us as we wandered around your workplace. A special thank you to Vittoria for organizing and leading the tour! And of course a big thank you to all our parent helpers…we couldn’t do it without you!
Our next trip is to North Burnaby Dental Group…everyone smile!