E-Port #4: Probability

Title:  Probability


What is probability and why do you think we learn about it?

Explain why the probability of something is between zero and one on a number line.

Name four words associated with probability and what they mean.

Is Rock, Paper, Scissors a fair game?

What is the difference between theoretical and experimental probability?

If I chose a random student from the class, what is the probability they would have a zuma chair for the day? (give fraction, decimal, and percentage)

If I chose a random student from the class, what is the probability they would be at table four? (give fraction, decimal, and percentage)

If I chose a random student from the class, what is the probability the person would be you?  (give fraction, decimal, and percentage)

Make up another “random student” choice from our class and give me the probability of that choice. (fraction, decimal, and percentage)