Independent Project Update: Books and Primary Research

Hello Everyone!

We have already talked about this in class, so here is a formal update on Independent Project 2024!

What has already been done?

  • Students chose their topics and informed Ms. D
  • Ms. Ho put out requests to all District libraries for books related to topics
  • Ms. D went over the Jar of Inquiry and how to ask questions.
  • Students were told to begin with Form and Function type questions, and then to expand up into connection, perspective, and responsibility questions. Examples were provided in class and via the wonderings board, which you all had an opportunity to see at Student Led Conferences.
  • Over this year, Ms. D has reviewed which are good websites to use, what information to take down to document resources, how to take notes in a T chart, and where to find things like copyright dates/publishers/about us on websites, etc.
  • Students began taking notes, whether in their journals by hand or online. No cutting and pasting, please! Notes in their own words. Use the T CHART format.

What’s next?

  • Continue to take notes using books from the public library, books from Ms. Ho that are available in the classroom, and websites.
  • Ask new questions. As you research, if something comes up that you are curious about, ask a new question!
  • We have been doing secondary research. If you haven’t done it already, it is time to come up with some primary research ideas.

What is Primary Research?

Primary research is doing the observing, documenting, analyzing, and making conclusions on your own instead of finding research already done by someone else. It can take many forms. Primary research is required for the project, and it needs to be documented with pictures or notes. Here are some ideas:

  • Interview with an expert on the topic. Before you do an interview, write down your questions and ask Ms. D to review them with you. Record the person’s answers, their name, and the date of the interview.
  • Do observations at a location, or of someone doing something related to your topic. It is a good idea to take both written observations, the dates you took the observations, and take some pictures to share later as part of your presentation.
  • Conduct a lab experiment. Use the scientific method to do a lab write up. Take pictures to document the process so you will have them for your presentation later. Write down the dates you conducted the experiment. We will be talking more about the scientific method this unit.
  • Build something. Document your design process with a draft drawing or plan, notes about how the process is going, and pictures so you have them for your presentation later. Record dates about when you did certain things in your notes.
  • Do something. Try something for the first time, document the experience, and take pictures so you have them for your presentation later. Record dates about when you did certain things in your notes.

Please try to think about a primary research item on your own. Ms. D can discuss with you some ideas to help.

Next Step — Bibliography and Presentation Details:

  • All notes, primary research, and bibliographies are due to Ms. D by May 31st.
  • In May, we will begin working on presentations, and Ms. D will go over ideas. Our goal will be to not all have trifolds like a Science Fair. Independent Project is not like Science Fair presentations. We want to see models, interactive displays, brochures, handouts, etc. versus just a board people can look at and read. Materials are available in class, and computers/iPads will be available, as well. More details about this as we get into May.
  • Presentation will be from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM on June 12th, Wednesday. We may use a combination of our classroom and the library, or just the library, for presenting. Set up will be all morning on the 12th. Lunch will be early that day to accommodate a lunchtime viewing for parents and families.
  • Some items from Independent Project, if they are digital, can be displayed on our class blog. Be thinking of what items could be displayed there, such as the bibliography, primary research documentation, and handouts. I will not post notes on the blog, only final presentation pieces.

Looking forward to your work!

Ms. D