An Hour of Code

This week is Computer Science Week, and in celebration of this, people are doing “An Hour of Code” all over the world. Classes all over the globe are taking time to do at least one hour of computer coding this week. The non-profit organization has provided many easy tools to use, whether you are a student or educator, to complete the one hour task.

Today, the MACC group at Suncrest participated in this event, doing a variety of coding activities! Whether it was making a Star Wars game, doing Minecraft, using Scratch to make a program, or writing Javascript and Python, all students were engaged in coding. We discussed how coding is directly related to mathematics, and thus, we thought of this as our math time today. Students are encouraged to continue as they wish on the website. Please see An Hour of Code and for videos and activities.

We also created a twitter account today for our MACC group, joining two other advanced learning classes in the District who also have accounts. This account was set up by Ms. D, meaning I am the only one with the password. I will allow students to post on the account using first names only, and I will be monitoring the account so personal information is kept at a minimum — enough so we can share as a group. The students voted today to call our group MACCnCHEESE, and we can be found using the twitter handle @cheesemacc if you would like to visit us. Once a week, we will vote on a person to be Mr. or Miss Cheese, and that person will be our reporter all week. This week Mr. Cheese is Adrian! Posts he makes will be done in the classroom with Ms. D’s supervision.

BTW, all main information for our group will continue to be here on the blog. The twitter account will be used to connect with other classrooms and share our work on hashtags like #hourofcode, which is the one we used today to share our learnings with all other students, educators, and people participating in the program.

During the rest of the day, we had PE, which focused again on movement and making characters (a drama movement focus.) We also made snowmen art using acrylic paint, which will be finished up tomorrow. Finally, we did some grammar work, as Ms. D has identified very specific areas of practice for our group based on the writing done throughout term one. With the help of transition words, conjunctions, proper use of commas, adverbs, and more, our writing will become stronger.

Have a great evening! Please remember Tuning In is due on Friday. The two sheets of grammar are due tomorrow. Turn in Movie and BAG notices ASAP please!